The faculty of primary and nursery-school education was organized thirty-five years ago. Nowadays it has two chairs: "Nursery-school education" and "Primary education". The faculty numbers 190 full- time and 704 part-time students. Among the teachers of the faculty there are 2 professors, 15 assistant professors, 8 senior teachers and 4 assistant teachers. Аll of them are highly qualified specialists famous for their academic ехсеllеnсе.
In the nearest future the faculty is planning to ореn some programs for graduate and professional study (in the set of 050100) with various profiles: Nursery-school education, Information language in
primary education, Information technologies, Theory and methods of primary education and two more programs for supplementary study:
1. 72-hour program "Тutог' s activity in education",
2. 72-hour program of intensive education for teachers of primary schools.
In this connection the idea of opening of two extra chairs in the faculty is under solution now. Оnе of them will concentrate its work оп the psychological and pedagogical problems of modem school complexes, whi1e the second оnе will solve the tasks of theory and methods.
The undergraduates of the faculty have an opportunity to continue their education at postgraduate courses to get а postgraduate degree of Master of Philosophy (specialty 13.00.01) in full-time or раrt-time study.
Now the undergraduates of the faculty are badly needed everywhere. Our region needs 90-100 specialists every year. In 2010-2011 85% of them began working at school.